Super Girl

I’m thrilled to introduce you to my friend Mandy Smith and have her share some seriously great encouragement for those of us who have dreamed of being SuperWoman…





A friend of mine was meeting me for lunch recently, and since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to sit on the outside bench while I waited. After a minute or two a mother with her young daughter came and sat down near me. I couldn’t help but notice that right in front of me was, in fact, Supergirl. She had a pink cape on, pink Air Jordans, and the full body suit with all its glory. I was mesmerized.

I couldn’t help but tell the little lady just how much I loved her Supergirl outfit! Her smile was large and contagious and she pronounced, “Thank you! And… it’s PINK!” “Yes, it certainly is!” I responded with laughter and my mirrored reflection of her grin. A minute later my friend appeared and we headed inside for lunch. That was all the conversation I had with Supergirl, but it stayed with me the entire afternoon.

I was so impressed by that young girl. She couldn’t have been more than 3 years old, but she knew just who she was.  She embodied strength and character all with a feminine zest. She was the epitome of the woman I longed to be.  Fearless and meek; humble and confident; lovely and irresistible.

Oh to walk down the street with a hot pink Superhero costume on with no care or concern with what others would think. Isn’t this freedom and security just what God wants for us?  In Proverbs 31:25, such a lady exists: “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” I love this verse. I want to be this lady. I want this to be my anthem! She seems like a Superwoman, if you ask me.

So why would I let the views, silent looks, lack of response, or opinions from others dictate how I let myself feel day-to-day? For example, do any of the quotes below sound like something you’ve thought or said to yourself over the past month?

“I never hear from him/her anymore.” ( I must not be as important.)

“They never ask me how I am.” (They really don’t care.)

“No one listens anyway.” (Why try to help.)

“He never came over to talk to me.” (I’m invisible.)

Oh, how harsh we can be to ourselves! Would we jump to the same conclusions if a best friend were telling us these things? I dare say no. So why can’t we be our own best friends? Our own Superhero? I’ve learned too that if someone isn’t talking to you or asking you what you wished they would, they may be going through their own issues or busy life. Insecurity, busyness, or just a lack of awareness may be a cause.

Ok, things don’t always go the way you wished. People are going to hurt your feelings on accident and on purpose. You may hurt someone else’s too.  But instead of wallowing, give it to God and let Him sort it out for you. Literally, sometimes I say it out loud even, “Stop Mandy! God, take this please!” Also, we can strive to be better listeners and ask others how they are, even if you don’t get asked in return.

I’m definitely no expert with this, but I’m getting stronger and better. Superwomen certainly don’t have time to be concerned with how they appear or what others might think. Half the time the others aren’t even thinking those things anyway!

No, Superwomen are too busy doing their God-given job in life. They are too busy using their gifts, loving those in their life, raising their families, reaching out to those they love. Searching for the ones that are hurt and giving them the hope they have. Forgiving even when the other doesn’t ask for it. Yes, this is their superpower!

I may not wear a hot pink costume and cape, but underneath my everyday clothes is the full armor of God. It’s my job to utilize it.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Ephesians 6: 13-17

With my armor, I am ready to handle each day and what it holds. Letting the heaviness of the hurt gently fall off my shoulders and embracing the joy of the moment. Walking down my path with grace, truth, and faith. Keeping my heart open to others with feminine courage. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll wear some hot pink high heels to boot.


More about Mandy Smith…

I’m a southern gal born and raised in GA. I love Jesus, my family & friends, being a Speech Pathologist, playing guitar, singing, exercise, whimsy, and of course, writing! I absolutely love the way a piece of writing can bring me closer to Christ, inspire greatness, or even just remind me that I’m not alone. May my writing reach you where you are and deliver blessings through the screen, from my joyous heart to yours!

Visit Mandy’s blog My Joyous Heart


Super Girl — 10 Comments

  1. Thank you! This is just what I needed to hear today! Thanks for being obedient and open to what God has taught you to share with us all.

    • Jenny- You are so welcome! I absolutely love how God has worked through this message! He loves us so much! Thank you for your encouragement!

      Sarah- You are so sweet! Thank you again for letting me be your guest today :)

  2. A few weeks ago I was thinking it’d be fun if it was acceptable to play dress up still, lol! This was an awesome post, I really need to work on being kinder to myself.

  3. I love this piece- the idea of little girl puts a smile on my face and helps me to remember to focus on The Lord and what He is doing. Love it!

    • Erin- I am so glad that you loved it and it spoke to you! That little girl sure was a cutie! Thank you for your comment! Blessings!

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