I Can’t Handle Change

Fact: I am a creature of serious habit. I can’t handle change! When eating out I pick the same thing from the menu every time. (Why risk picking something that might disappoint when I know a good thing?!) When I grocery shop, I take the same route every time. (efficient!) When I work out, the routine drives my motivation. I have even worn the same eyeliner brand for years now. Change throws me off my game big time.

Grayson Kinder

Today I sent my 5 year old son off to his first day of Kindergarten. I hid my tears behind my oversized sunglasses and put on a brave face as I walked him into his class. We had our “I will miss you”  boo-hoo session the day before so he got it out of his system early. I, on the other hand, was a weepy mess. Part of me weeped because my little guy is growing up. Another part of me weeped because this new season, this CHANGE, is scary to me. Figuring out a new path to take, a new schedule to navigate makes my head spin.

What life changes are you going through these days?

Maybe your new career is exciting but the learning curve is tough…

Maybe you are wading through the pool we call summer toward the ocean of starting school in the fall…

Maybe you are in a new relationship…

Maybe you are moving…

Maybe you are dealing with health concerns…

Maybe your family dynamics are evolving…

What is it about change that freaks us out so much? For me it is the fact that I cling to familiarity so tightly. A schedule and order to things keeps me in check each day. Yes it is exciting to take a risk and…gasp…go off schedule. Yes it is fun to try new things…sometimes… But for me, the same ol’ same ol’ is what drive me each day. But, I’m wondering though if this shake up in life, this change, can serve to give me new, refreshed perspective.

Maybe change shakes up our schedule…to make us evaluate what’s important

Maybe change shakes up our roles… how we see ourselves in life

Maybe change shakes up our confidence… make us more brave

Maybe change shakes up our dependence on the familiar…to be more dependent on God.

Definitely all these things for me. My personal change in schedule gives me a wealth of time now to write and do ministry…time I didn’t have before. My personal change  up in roles…my role as a mom and duty to love and serve my family. My personal change up in confidence…I need to be brave and ready to take on challenges that are sure to come in this new season. My personal foundational shake up…more dependent on God and less dependent on things familiar. I think it is with a fresh perspective beyond the norm and the familiar that we see God at work in exciting ways.

Sometimes these shake ups in life are traumatic. Sometimes they are fun and exhilirating. Sometimes they are painful and tough to handle. Today while I’m tossed around by this life shakeup, I’m reminded to stand firm on this ONE truth…

Therefore, let us all be thankful that we are a part of an unshakable Kingdom and offer to God worship that pleases Him and reflects the awe and reverence we have toward Him, 29 for He is like a fierce fire that consumes everything. {Hebrews 12:28-30 THE VOICE}

Enough said? I’m going to go handle my change now…how about you?

Leave a comment…let’s chat!


I Can’t Handle Change — 10 Comments

  1. Oh Sarah, we are so much alike! I too am preparing to send my daughter to kindergarten on August 5th. My heart is heavy preparing for that day. In the meantime, I’m trying to cherish each day with her before everything changes and our world will never be the same. How can nearly five years go by so fast?

    But I’m also trying to think of the positive: I’ll have more time with my two-year old son, time to write while he naps, etc. While this new season will be different, I know that God will see us through it. And we’ll likely come to enjoy it once the newness of the change wears off.

    If you think of it, say a prayer for me! I’ll be praying for you too!

  2. Oh Sarah, this post is me in a nutshell. I am exactly what you desribed. I also stick to what I know and what I like on the menu! LOL! As much as I want to say that I am pretty laid back and go with the flow about things, I’m not. If I’m being honest, I hate change because as you mentioned, I am accoustomed and love the familiarity of the same routine.

    What I’m beginning to realize is that I will never change if I don’t welcome it. I’m beginning to see how God uses these seasons of change to show us that He in still in control and that if we are to fulfil His plan for our lives, we must trust in the change process. I shouldn’t feel as comfortable as I do with “sitting still” even in my faith.

    I loved this today and it’s inspired me to embrace the change.

  3. I am SO bad at dealing with change. I’m moving this week (um, just 10 minutes way, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal), and I posted on my blog today about just how badly I’m handling all the heart stuff that this move is bringing up. Talk aboutmy routine being blown out of the water! But in the midst of it all, I’m also once again seeing my desperate need for Christ and trusting Him to change these parts of me that I know I can’t change on my own. And if it results in pruning and refining, even though its uncomfortable, it can’t be all all bad. So I’m choosing to praise Him in the midst and to lean into trusting Him more!

  4. Wow just moving to TX from France and looking for a job to stay here changes have been harder than I expected thank so much for writing this Sarah , I really needed this!

  5. I normally have to check the menu online before I got out to resteraunt, I’m willing to try new things sometimes BUT I have to have time to think about it, lol! I read the menu and then feel conflicted for a while between the same and something new. Deciding at a resteraint is too much pressure!

    I don’t like change and I guess my way to deal with it is to plan and try to anticipate things having backups and solutions. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. One thing my brother says when he gets mad at me is “you’re problem in life is that you have to think everything through, you can’t just act”

    I have been working in coutneracting my dislike of changes by telling myself that time goes on and life goes one, this to shall pass, and I’ve surprised changes in the past.

    • Tonya, I totally hear you with the need to plan and anticipate. I’m trying to relinquish a bit of control on things in order to allow for fun surprises. But it takes practice to be less of a planner. LOL.

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