InScribed On My Heart And Mind

Hi friends. Well, I stepped out of my “writing cave” for just a bit. I have to warn you, if you see me as I step out of the cave, I might not look too pretty! Let’s just say my mind has been on all things typing and studying and praying instead of well…things like washing my hair or putting on makeup. But, I bravely came out of the cave (dirty hair and sans lip gloss) to share with you what has been InScribed on my heart and mind for many months now.

(sidebar: be sure to read to the very end of this post…super cute giveaway there)

Over a year ago I had the opportunity to sit down with some amazing women authors in the boardroom of my publisher, Thomas Nelson. We all come from different walks of life and different regions of the country but we have one thing in common: We love the Lord. We love doing life and ministry with women. We love writing about it!

inscribed logo

The InScribed Collection is the culmination of all of our hearts combined to share with you via books and studies which will challenge you, uplift you, encourage to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus. Check out this video below to get a glimpse into the heart behind the InScribed Collection.

The first four books in The InScribed Collection will release March 2014 but we wanted to go ahead and start connecting with you and getting to know you! So, this week is the InScribed Collection blog hop. Be sure to click around the links below to connect with my amazing friends.


I’m also over the moon excited to finally share with you my personal contribution to The InScribed Collection

RISE UP cover


Just RISE UP! is a call for our generation of women to make Jesus famous in every area of life. By making tough life decisions to do so and by “doing life differently” we will be fired up to RISE UP! and make an impact on our generation. This starts with living a life of praise, keeping a Kingdom perspective, bowing low before Christ in humility.  It also calls for us to subscribe to His agenda rather than our own as we RISE UP! and make the name of the Lord famous in our world.

Whew! What do you think?

Just RISE UP! will hit stores in Fall 2014 so we have a ways to go until then…and I still have to finish writing the final chapter! I will be sharing snippets of the book so be sure to check in with the LIVE IT OUT! FB community. 

THIS WEEK be sure to check out the InScribed blog hop and connect with my friends. (Hint hint: many of them will be having giveaways!)

InScribed blog hop

Monday Sept 9 —Heather Zempel and Jenifer Jernigan

Tuesday Sept 10 — Sarah Francis Martin—me!

Wednesday Sept 11 — Amanda Haley and Donna Gaines

Thursday Sept 12 — Ashley Linne

Friday Sept 13 —Wendy Blight

In addition to all of this excitement wouldn’t it be fun to have one of these?



I’m giving away TWO Lisa Leonard Designs necklaces this week with inscribed*proverbs 3:3 on it. Cute right?

So I’ve got a question for you. What is burning on your heart lately regarding your relationship with Jesus? What would you most like to learn or study about?

Leave a comment and I will pick TWO random winners on Friday.



InScribed On My Heart And Mind — 26 Comments

  1. Lately, complete surrender to the Lord has been burning on my heart. I want to surrender my heart- I feel so close, but for some reason, I can’t get over the hurdle. I can easily say yes I surrender my heart to You and can trust in Your plans for me, but I still feel guarded and having some doubts. I feel half-surrendered. I want to learn about how to confidently and completely surrender my heart to Jesus, so that my heart belongs to Him and I have no doubts.

  2. Sarah, I want to be able to have a more compassionate heart toward others. I know I can never be as compassionate as Jesus; but, I want to learn to display the compassion of Jesus, when I deal with really rude and unrelenting people.

    I am on Wendy Blight’s Street Team and have been sharing the upcoming Inscribed collection via Twitter, Pinterest, FB and personal emails. Have been excited about this upcoming “learning more about my Jesus” time.

    • Charlotte, you are an amazing friend to have on our team. Thanks for stopping by here and for sharing about Inscribed all over social media! Love you and so thankful for you.



  3. Burning on my heart has been the great desire and need to be closer to Him. To reconnect in an even stronger way, to discover His purpose and plan for my life by getting ro know Him more intimately

  4. I would love help on understanding the best way to have high expectations of myself and others, but still be able to forgive. I try to surround myself with loving people, but can find it hard to know how to love those who are not loving.

  5. Lately I’ve been feeling called to be more passionate and vocal about my faith in Jesus. I’ve also been studying about The Holy Spirit recently, and I definitely want to continue to learn about how The Holy Spirit operates.

  6. What’s been on my heart lately is young girls and women,knowing who we are in Christ and how HE sees us. Instead of looking into the mirror and measuring ourselves by societies standards and forms of beauty, but looking at the Word of God and seeing what true beauty is and allowing the Holy Spirit to make us beautiful from the inside out. Learning how to be in a relationship with Christ, falling in love with Him more every step of our journey through this life.

  7. I’m excite to check out your book Sarah! Sounds like a great topic! The area I constantly struggle with is being more loving and compassionate. I so want a heart that loves others the way Christ loves me!

  8. Hi Sarah!
    I’m so excited for all God is doing in and through you… And the other Inscribed teachers! I’m a friend of Wendy Blight’s and I’m on her street team. Thank you so much for your heart and your obedience!

    I want more focus on loving my enemies with 1 Cor 13 love. I want Jesus to rule my heart, not my emotions.

    God bless you in this very exciting season of life ;)

  9. Right now the burning desire to get closer to Him is what’s on my heart. Due to many changes in my life I feel like I have faltered in my devotional times and in my desire to continue to grow in Christ. I’d love to get that passion back.

  10. Ephesians 3:17-18 AMP says:
    May Christ through your faith dwell in your hearts! May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.
    That you may have the power and be strong to apprehend and grasp with all the saints what is the Breadth and Length and Height and Depth of it (His Love).

    I have been burning to know through my personal experience the 4D love of God, and he is showing me that I must also know how deep, wide, high and far the wounds of my soul extend. THEN, and only then, can I see God reach further, lengthen himself more, and plunge deeper in my soul.

    And this is my path to abundant joy!

    I am excited about the Inscribed Series!

  11. I have been having a lot on my heart for Jesus. I just want to continue to improving my relationship with him and getting to know him better. Jesus has been guiding my path lately and it has been amazing. I just want to reach out to him without even thinking know he will be there for me.
    I find myself so enriched and fulfilled with bible study. It give me a focus and keeps God on my heart and in my mind. It keeps our conversation open. So any bible study that is teaching me those things..I am in and ready to learn.
    The Inscribed series sounds pretty amazing. Can’t wait!

  12. ” [For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His likeness even] to His death, [in the hope]. ” Phil 3:10 (Amp) has been my life verse and lately God has been burning it into my heart! Above all else, even after over thirty years of walking with Him , I still believe I have far to go in knowing my Savior & Lord intimately!!

  13. The thing that is on my heart the most is being more like Jesus wherever I go. It’s easy to be like Him within the church community but sometimes I am less patient with others in the workforce or extended family.

  14. The thing that is on my heart is my children and that they would make their faith their own! But personally I want to grow in my ability to really share my faith so I will rise up and shine for HIM!! I’m grateful I popped over here via Wendy Blight’s site and look forward to all God will do with this new endeavor!! Blessings!

  15. I’m trying to learn to authentically trust in and rely on God. To be filled by Him and have His peace. You know how you can say you trust Him for everything but still worry what if this happens? Etc. I want to rest in His peace. I don’t quote know how to get there. Worries get to me and I don’t want to be slave to them anymore.

  16. The burning in my heart is to strive for radical obedience in my daily relationship with Jesus. I want to receive all the blessings of being radically obedient.

  17. The burning in my heart is o show Jesus to the broken. There are so many people hurting today in many areas. I want to share His Grace that has been showered upon me.

  18. I am focusing on powering up my prayer life and I’ve been doing a study on prayer as I think this could help me with my compassion and attitude towards others.

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