It’s OK to reinvent yourself and change

I sat with my English Breakfast tea, my quinoa energy bar (homemade!) and my laptop as I do most mornings. Don’t mess with my routine I tell you! After my sweaty workout and my time conversing with Jesus my  fingers were poised and ready to type away for the day. The project: My blog ABOUT ME page.

Today you see a new look to the LIVE IT OUT! blog. This is me, refreshing my look on the world wide web. In the build up to this project I needed to rewrite my About page and I about had a identity crises in the process.

So much has changed in my life. So much has changed in my story and the way I write it. I even have a new look to my wardrobe. Until that day, I really never took the time to evaluate this change and put pen to paper. The crises began when I just couldn’t even start to explain the “who” of Sarah. With shaking hands and a heart in palpitation I felt as if I were betraying…myself. I THOUGHT I knew who I was. I thought I knew what roles I played and even what colors defined me. The idea that I thrive in the fact that I’m a pretty stable, unchanging personality is what kept me going through the roller coaster of life this past decade. For goodness sakes, I part my hair on the same side every single day!

So I pushed through and pounded out the words of my “about me” and trusted what I would express since it was coming from a place of discovery as well as authenticity.

I had an identity crises at the age of 34!

This is supposed to be the decade where I have myself all put together. I should KNOW who I am, right?

This all serves to remind me that things change, I change…and that is OK.

What kept me in check through this moment of identity crises was the whisper from God in His Word:

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8 ESV)

I found freedom and relief that it is fine that I’ve changed life roles. It is kosher that I’ve changed my go-to styles in my closet. It is alright that I’ve changed my hair color. It is OK that I’ve changed even a bit in my personality.

It is EVER IMPORTANT for me to remember that my GOD never changes.

He allows us to grow and mature and stretch even as He never sways or waivers.

So today, with a new look to my blog––my main means of communicating my faith and love for the Lord––I’m excited to share the change…my identity  not-so-crisis.

You will see the beautiful setting in the banner picture above. This picture conjures up feelings of community and communion for me. As I sit still and fill up on Jesus (my main theme for this year) I realize there is much fellowship and friendship to experience with Jesus when we sit at the table and commune with our King. I invite YOU to join in. Gather around and sit at the table, too!

The flowers and the casual, shabby chic nature of of that scene is what I think my soul longs for: to just chill out, enjoy the moment at the table and celebrate LIFE. Life right here and right now.

Be sure to check back on Friday. I have a fun new project to reveal that I hope…oh I PRAY…that you will join in. Ever heard of Ebenezer Stones? These are ways to remember and memorialize the great things God is doing in our life. I’m combining my love for writing and getting messy with crafty paint together…stay tuned! 


What do you think? Leave a comment…let’s chat!


It’s OK to reinvent yourself and change — 13 Comments

  1. Love, love, LOVE the new site look! It’s fabulous!
    Oh, and I can’t wait to see your surprise on Friday! I love the old hymn “Come thou fount of every blessing” and the line in it that says “Now I raise my Ebenezer…” That’s what popped in my head when you mentioned Ebenezer Stones! Can’t wait! :)

  2. Love your new site, Sarah! And love who you are. Even if you were stuck through the process–anyone who has ever shared an email/text/phone call (even a butt dial!) knows that you are the most encouraging, most fun and most passionate.

    But sometimes it’s hard to write/see that in ourselves ;)


  3. Looks soft and easy! I get the message…..sit at the table and breathe in the commune with Christ. The different chairs say to me” We all come with a different look or story. Enjoy, partake of the Lord’s gift of nature…quiet and ever changing. Remembering He stays the same! He Loves you wherever you are!

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