Be Magnetic-Book Giveaway!

I love the word magnetic. It is so strong and action oriented. When my friend Lynn Cowell told me last year that she was writing a book with the title Magnetic, I knew it would be powerful.

Today, Lynn and I are sharing about each other’s books. **And giving away a copy of our books!** We each desire to encourage women to make Jesus the center of our lives. We each have a passion to share Truth and how it applies in real and relevant ways. We also each want YOU to know you have a kingdom role and that starts with reflecting Jesus (be Magnetic!) and making Him famous (RISE UP!) You can read  what Lynn is sharing about Just RISE UP! HERE.

***Be sure to read at the bottom of the post about today’s giveaway of Magnetic!


I love how Lynn invests in the next generation, those teen girls who need to hear Truth. Her mission for Magnetic is this:

When we empower young women to switch from fixating on a guy to focusing on the Guy, they can reach their fullest potential

It is so important to invest in the young women in our lives. I know that when we make time to sit, to sit and really listen, these women see Jesus through us. Sometimes all they need is to be heard. Sometimes all they need is to hear they are valuable. Sometimes all they need to hear are wise words from a women who cares enough to invest her time and support.

Do you have a young women to invest in today with God’s Truth?

Today I’m excited to share an excerpt from Magnetic that I found personally powerful. I also know this nugget of Truth would be extremely helpful for that young girl in your life. Will you soak in these wise words from Lynn and maybe even pass it along?



Gentle Words Are Like Honey

No place is gentleness—or lack of it—more evident than in our words. So often the areas in which we are hardest on ourselves are the same areas in which we become harsh and judgmental toward others. A student who fights to maintain a high GPA puts down one who struggles academically. The girl continually working out has little sympathy for the overweight.

Those judgmental attitudes we inflict on ourselves poison our thoughts with negative feelings toward others as well. Remember what Anne said in chapter 6? “Since I hated my body—actually I hated myself—this made it easier for me to hate other people.” Somehow we decide that others don’t deserve grace and forgiveness since we don’t give any to ourselves.

Criticized for a project that didn’t turn out, I beat myself up. Why didn’t you do better? You could have slowed down, worked harder. What do they think of you now? Discouraged and defeated, I fill up with negativity, oozing onto those around me. I find myself picking on their less-than-perfect qualities, finding fault. When I’m not gentle with myself, I am not gentle with others.

This is opposite of where we want to go. Proverbs 16:24 says, “Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

Too often as Christians we are known for what we stand against rather than what we stand for. Yes, we want to avoid those things the Bible says are wrong, but more of our energy needs to be spent on doing the Jesus stuff! Loving the poor, speaking words of respect, showing tenderness to everyone.

Rather than harsh words of judgement, our conversation should be filled with light, life, and hope. First Peter3:15 makes it clear: “…always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” We need never be ashamed to share our faith when we do so with gentleness and humility.

When others shared their faith with you, were they gentle or judgmental?

The way we speak to others makes all the difference in whether we will be heard and others will listen. Consider how God spoke to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:9–18. Elijah was on the run. He had just participated in one of the biggest miracles the Bible records, but now a witch of a woman was promising to kill him. Running for his life, he hid in a cave. There God came to speak with His discouraged prophet.

First came a wind so powerful, the mighty force shattered the rocks. But God didn’t speak to Elijah in the powerful wind. Next came an earthquake, shaking the mountain. God wasn’t in the earthquake either. A fire followed, but that wasn’t God. Lastly came a gentle whisper. God spoke.

God didn’t choose to be dramatic or forceful, as Elijah might have expected. He tenderly whispered the words He needed Elijah to hear.

Like God, the magnetic girl doesn’t have to make a scene in order to be heard or noticed. She doesn’t judge others, calling them out. She has no need to shock others with her words, her wardrobe, or her “womanhood.” She takes her cue from God.

Sometimes a whisper speaks loudest of all.


I want to be gentle and magnetic, don’t you? How can we best exemplify this in our life?

***Leave a comment to be entered to win a copy of Magnetic!***

I will choose a random winner on Wednesday, October 15th

lynn_headshotPacked with honesty, encouragement and perspective-changing truth Magnetic by Lynn Cowell(available at AmazonB&NCBDeverywhere books are sold), will empower girls and young woman to reach their fullest potential by focusing on becoming who God made them to be! A girl who reflects God’s love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. A girl who will attract the right type of guy one day: one who loves God with all his heart and who will cherish her!


Be Magnetic-Book Giveaway! — 18 Comments

  1. Hello, thanks for sharing this review! And thank you for doing what you do! I’m a 27 year old woman and have recently accepted God & Jesus into my life and your blog has been an abundant source of info and ideas for me to drink up. I’m so hungry for information and cannot wait to read your book, and Magnetic

  2. I have 3 daughters. One who is at a critical age 8 and I am so fearful of not doing enough to show her how to depend on God. I am fearful of confusing her with too much! She has two little sisters that will be learning from us both. The pressure to get it right is overwhelming. I could sure use some guidence!

  3. Wow! That excerpt really hit home for me…I am famous for redirecting disappointment with myself onto others, especially my family. That’s not the mother/wife/woman I want to be or that God wants me to be….I will be committing Proverbs 16:24 to memory today! Thank you for sharing!

    • Chelsea! You are the winner of the Magnetic giveaway!!! I will email you right now to get your mailing address to have the book sent your way!

  4. To be gentle and magnetic should be easy right? But being human we all can have bad days. But yes, in order to influence and encourage anyone, but especially the next generation, the younger women (of any age) that are watching us, it’s a must. No one, especially Christ ever won people over by being harsh. They were drawn to His peace and gentle ways and speech. Christ only used His sternness to get specific points across.
    What a great giveaway! Obviously would love to win, but these two books are on my ‘to buy’ list.

  5. my daughter will be 19 in December. She needs to read this book! She’s been in a relationship with her boyfriend for 2 years now. I want her to Pursue God first! I would love to win this and give it to her!

  6. This book sounds like an awesome read! I really love this quote: “Too often as Christians we are known for what we stand against rather than what we stand for.” It’s so very true! Thanks for offering a giveaway… hope I win! ;-)

  7. Sarah, I am thrilled to be a part of your OBS for Just Rise Up! I am also hoping to get a copy of Magnetic for a young single mom I am close to who is trying to “find herself”. I am gently leading her to Jesus but I really think this book will enhance her seeking and her journey… God bless!

  8. I was recently asked to work with the 8th grade girls at church. This would be an excellent resource not only for myself, but also something I could share with them :)

  9. Sarah, just found your blog! Gotta say wow! I’d love to win your book and looking forward soaking up God’s word and becoming a women a gentle and magnetic women to this world :-)

  10. I would love to read this book with my daughter. She’s 8 years old with a golden heart, and I believe she has a special calling from God. I believe we can gain a lot of wisdom and insight through the book, and I would also like to share it with nieces.

  11. Hello Lynn, I am a mother of four. I have two boys two girls. I would like to have a copy of your book Magnetic. You see my oldest daughter is nine, and we have had a difficult time bonding.. due to unbearable circumstances, at the time she was born. I had to have my mom help raise her. During the first four years of her life I wasn’t the mom she needed me to be. I was struggling with drug addiction. However, since then I have met Jesus and He has turned my life around. I would love to have such a powerful tool to help me guide my sweet girl along the right path, right into her Heavenly Father’s arms.

  12. I am in awe at the wisdom, strength, and insight that you lovely women have and truly appreciate that you have chosen to share it with the world! This book sounds amazing and I would sure love a copy to share with my 16 year old daughter who I know needs a stronger relationship with our Lord! :)

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