The LIST and such…

Happy New Year! How is it going so far? At my house we celebrated a fun, low key New Years Eve that included a local pinecone drop and tons of dessert way later than we would normally allow our little guy to eat that much sugar! Though I still have boxes to be stored full of Christmas decor, I’m moving full steam into the new year.

Before we get into The LIST, I wanted to remind you about the awesome class I’m involved in called Becoming: The Unfolding of You. It is free and we just started our first week! I’m in this first week and can’t wait for you to see all the thoughtful and artsy/creative things coming from the women involved. There are creative videos and inspiring videos where these lovely, beautiful and beautifully imperfect women (just like you and me!) share their love for Jesus and what He is teaching them about who we are in Christ.

becoming logo

Click Here to get info on how and where to sign up. It is not too late!

Now on to this week’s LIST… This is something I like to do regularly to get to know connect with you. It is pure random-ness and just plain fun. Take a look at the questions below and leave a comment with your answers!

Here we go…

The List

~Name your biggest blessing from 2014.

Me: Yes. I know this is a question too big to answer in a few sentences. Thank goodness for that, right? God blesses us all in so many ways if we are willing to open our eyes to take them all in. Ok. Biggest…I need to say our family vacation to the beach. Nothing fancy. Just sweet memories lay in my heart from that time.

~What chore do you not love doing?

Me: If I’m being totally and completely and utterly honest, all of them. But, reality is that I can’t HATE chores because they are a necessity for me to conquer. The most unloved chore is putting away folded laundry. I don’t mind folding because I listen to podcasts or multitask while I’m folding but it is the putting away which puts me over the edge.

~When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?

Me: I love opening up my sketchbook and playing with my paints.

~What did you do growing up that got you into the most trouble?

Me: Surprise surprise. My mouth got me in the most trouble. Let’s just say I have it coming to me when my son is a teenager. What goes around comes around. :)

~How can I pray for you?

I’m serious. Let me know. Let’s pray together!

Leave a comment with your list. Let’s chat!


The LIST and such… — 33 Comments

  1. Biggest blessing from 2014:
    My biggest blessing from 2014 (and it continues to be one) was marrying my high school sweetheart ❤️ (I’m so sappy!) haha

    What chore do I not love to do?:
    Since chores are a must I think my least favorite chore would be dishes or putting away laundry.

    When I have 30 mins free time what do I like to do?:
    I love working on new projects or looking up new recipes

    Growing up what got me in the most trouble?
    There’s a huge list of things but most definitely my mouth. Let’s just say my mom always says that she wishes triplets on me. I couldn’t have been that bad, right?!?

    How can you pray for me?
    Pray for the new opportunities I will be facing this year and that I will follow God’s plan- NOT MINE!

  2. ~Name your biggest blessing from 2014.
    I have 2. My biggest is my dad surviving a 10 cm abdominal anuerysm rupture. Most people don’t make it to the hospital, others don’t make it past surgery or 48 hrs after. God truly was with us, and showed all of us His mercy and peace. So many blessings in those 7 wks, and believe me, satan was angry at us and tried to get us in many ways. So thankful for this
    2-a block from our house, was a double murder. The person randomly picked a house. That same day my husband had left out garage open. I’m thankful God’s protection was covering our family.

    ~What chore do you not love doing?
    Unloading the dishwasher.

    ~When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time?
    reading, practicing piano, depends on where I am haha

    ~What did you do growing up that got you into the most trouble?
    Hmmmmm no comment ha jk. Probably my mouth and get it my way attitude.

    ~How can I pray for you?
    My anxiety and emotions. Our finances.

    • Kim. I love that you play the piano! So cool.

      Father,I pray that You cover Kim with the comfort and peace that comes only from handing over her anxieties to You. Show her in a special way today that You hold her and her family in Your mighty hand. In Jesus’ name,Amen!

  3. Good Morning,
    I am intern with Child Evangelism Fellowship – Peoria IL . Please be praying for new prayer and financial partners in CEF missions journey to go full time in His perfect timing.

    If you would be interested in learning more about what i do feel free to email me at

  4. Biggest blessing from 2014:
    This is going to sound strange and the opposite of what I probably should say, but my biggest blessing of 2014 was getting a divorce and distancing myself from the toxic relationship. He was controlling, manipulative, and just all around NOT what I needed in my life.

    What chore do I not love to do?:
    Hanging up clothes and dusting.

    When I have 30 mins free time what do I like to do?:
    Take my dogs for a walk or go for a run.

    Growing up what got me in the most trouble?
    Fighting with my brothers, I have 3 of them and we were always going back and forth.

    How can you pray for me?
    I need to get my relationship with God back on track, set aside a time every day to spend with him to see the plan He has for me. And that I actually listen and follow it!

    • Kathryne, Oh friend. Coving you in prayer right now.
      Lord, Katheryne is seeking after YOU. WE know from Scripture, Lord, that when we seek You we will find You. I pray that she will set aside whatever might distract her from a deeper relationship with YOU. Bless her Lord for her heart for YOU. Amen!

  5. a blessing form 2014: there were many but the biggest was that I was able to attend a 4 day creativity retreat in So. Cal with 7 other ladies in a beach house ON the beach! My time was filled with rest, inspiration, re-connectiong with friends (one I only knew online and a couple I knew from previous retreats) and forging new, wonderful friendships.

    the chore I least like doing: DUSTING!

    when I have 30 minutes of free time: well, I have 5 kids three of whom I still homeschool (the other two are in college)…I rarely get 30 minutes of free time but when I do I most often take still-life pictures or practice hand lettering.

    what got me into the most trouble? well, probably talking in class.

    how can you pray for me? I chose a word for the year: “joy”. I am on a mission to find Joy all around me…I just don’t want to lose sight of who is the author of that joy: Jesus. So you could pray that I remember that joy comes from Him alone.

    P.S. I came here from Becoming: the unfolding of you. Thank you for your message and your willingness to share. This study is just what I needed right now.

    • Laura, friend, you do have alot on your plate! Wow.
      Father, Laura desires more Joy. Help her to see and experience joy that we know You give freely. Help her to seek after You for her true joy and know that it is there for the taking because it is a promise straight from Scripture. We give You all the glory, God! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

  6. Hi Sarah and everyone else!! It’s FINALLY Friday! WOOHOO!!!! So, I’m excited for a weekend of Football and Basketball……I’m a sports fanatic and haven’t had the chance to sit and watch games for so long that this weekend I will have that chance! I’m so not a girlie-girl……
    Here’s My List:

    Biggest Blessing from 2014- There’s a LONG list, but the one that stands out the MOST Not having to to work 2 part time jobs to supplement for a Full time Job! One of the part time jobs offered me a Full Time position with SO MUCH to offer me! Daddy God KNEW what the Burton family needed :)

    Least Favorite Chore to Do: I’d have to say……..the same as many others: Putting Laundry Away. I could fold it all day long but putting it away is a CHORE within itself! LOL
    When I have 30 minutes of Free Time: Let me sit and think on that one……I go nonstop when I’m home from work…..however, I will say that at times I’m a Social Media junkie (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest). So you’ll find me there or playing Candy Crush and Trivia Crack. I used to read or paint…..two kids later = no longer in the free time equation!

    What Got me in Trouble the Most growing up: OH wow that’s an EASY one! I HATE admitting this, but it’s the truth after all the stories I’ve heard from family members when I was younger, I would manipulate my younger siblings to do what I wanted them to do and they would do it willingly! NOT GOOD AT ALL- Momma and Daddy got on QUICKLY to that and nipped it in the rear pretty quickly. We laugh about it all the time now. Created some of the most awesome memories though..surprisingly from my brother and sister too!

    How Can You Pray for Me: Well, for starters, I want to say thank you so much for wanting to pray for me! There are so many things going on right now, that I want the Lord to Show Me what it is that HE wants me to do to FURTHER His Kingdom. You see, this past year He revealed to me that I am one of His Chosen to Shepherd His Precious Children. I NEVER thought that in a million years I would ever want to be a Children’s Pastor- for it was my husband’s passion (or so we thought). Nope, it ended up being me in the end. I say end because we were Children’s Pastors at a church for a short period of time and the Lord revealed that it wasn’t my husband that was chosen, it was ME! ME- of ALL people in this world………little ole’ me…….I LOVE children, enjoy teaching about anything related to My Jesus. Now, that I put it all together it makes COMPLETE sense now. However, I have ZERO education, plenty of work experience. I want to be MORE so that I can do MORE when that time comes. As of now, I work at a Used Car Dealership working in the internet department. I enjoy my job and what I do, it’s just not a passion. I don’t struggle waking up to get ready for work, but I don’t have that passion or zeal from making a difference like I do when I am working with children. For now, I know my ministry is raising my miracles (son and daughter). My husband is burnt out at his place of work where he’s been there 12 years and isn’t going any further than where he is. Soooooo……..God placed in his heart a dream of opening a costume rental business since the one here in Lexington, KY (which by the way will be the ONLY one in the KY/TN/WVA area since Magic Makers will be going out of business at the end of the year) went out of business last year. He was offered to buy it but the owner didn’t want to do it on his terms. So, now, he’s wanting to go the route of starting a business…….This is HUGE and SCARY to me! We’ve NEVER owned our own business on this kind of level before and neither have any education in business. He has a semester left to finish his Associates in Art. Ok so I am blubbering on and on right now! Just please pray for a LASER CLEAR understanding and to place mentors in our life to guide us in the direction we need to go. I also have the passion for Women as well. I used to be a Mary Kay consultant and would love to make a difference again……so many avenues!

    Let’s Hope for a better 2015!!! I am because so many doors have been closed……I know windows will be opened! Love and God Bless <3

    • Heather. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life!!
      Father, I lift up Heather and her husband as they look to YOU for direction in career choices. Help Heather narrow down what her passions are and where You want her to serve. I pray that when You say, Go, she will go. When You say, stay, she will stay and trust You with all her heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

  7. Biggest Blessing of 2014:
    I believe the biggest blessing I received in 2014 was the strength to stand on my own. 2014 proved to be a great deal of trouble for me. It came down to a horrible separation from my son’s father, a custody battle, and not having a place to call my own for awhile. Low and behold, just as He always does, God turned those ashes into beauty. I was granted full custody of my son, we moved into an apartment of our own in September, and I now know for certain that no matter what God brings me to, HE WILL BRING ME THROUGH.

    I think my least favorite chore would have to be laundry. Not that it’s difficult, but at the apartment, I don’t have an internal laundry unit. There is a single laundry mat for the 14-building complex with about 8 washers/dryers that everyone uses. I try to do laundry at a close friend’s house, but the transport of the laundry and the thought of possibly inconveniencing someone else is what makes me dislike this chore.

    30 Minutes:
    When I have 30 minutes of free time, I try to spend it laying in bed, reading my Bible. There’s not much else I can do with 30 minutes! LOL

    Growing Up:
    When I was growing up, it was my mouth, too, that got me in the most trouble.

    How can you pray for me?
    You can pray for strength, wisdom, healing, happiness, and discernment over my family and I. Thank you so much for sharing! You’re amazing!

    • Calyn, I love your name!! So cool.
      Friend! I am so proud of you. I don’t even know you in person but I’m sitting here so proud of your faith and trust in Jesus. Keep GOING. Your faith will greatly impact your son. In more ways than you know. KEEP GOING!!
      Father God, I lift up my friend Calyn. Bless her, Lord, today in a special way that says, I love you, Calyn. I pray that You will continue to strengthen her and heal her heart. Show her how no circumstance is wasted and that You use everything for good. We give YOu all the glory, God! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

  8. See, and I still listen to the podcast while I’m putting the laundry away–it makes it better but all of mine goes in the same room. You might have to get some headphones to help with that.

    I hate mopping and cleaning the tub. They pretty much never happen at my house.

    If I have 30 minutes of free time, let’s be honest: I waste in on Facebook. I’m getting better at having a book handy, jotting down some of my own words, or trying to finish up a blog but really I kill more time on social media than anything else.

  9. I would have to say that the Biggest Blessing of 2014 was the Lord’s Keeping and Provisional Power for my 2 sons and I. After losing my employment in February, I still had no job in August when my Unemployment benefits ran out. I just listened to your Unfolding Story, and WOW can I relate. Every door seems to be closed, I knock and try, and nothing comes of it! I too have been a “go getter” Always able to get a job and ace an interview. I have had professional interviews and been called back for second interviews this year, only for them to let me know a month later that they were not hiring! I am still unemployed, and have been Trusting God for our provision. I know that He is my Jehovah Jireh. After working in a field for 25 years, I sense that the Lord is taking me down a different path. I understand how you wanted approval, because when you are off work for this long, family and different people seem to wonder what you are doing. Are you really pursuing a job? The truth is that when God closes a door, nobody can open it, until He determines that it will open. He has sustained us, all year, and just like His word says, He feeds the sparrow, and how much more we mean to Him. It is one thing to read it and think about this, but when you are living that life, Whoa! Grab a big bucket of Faith and hang on! Thank God, He has given me the grace I need, and He is always there at the very time that I need Him.
    Chores: Folding laundry
    30 Minutes: Knitting, usually have a project with me in my purse.
    Growing up: to many to list, Jesus Saved me at age 26, and totally delivered me.
    Prayer: A Clear Vision for me to see the direction that I am to take. Career, Job, Employment, Ministry, Home

    • Kim. I loved what you said about grabbing a bucket of faith and hang on! Yes.
      Lord, I lift up Kim. I thank You for her faithfulness that inspires me. Bless her, Lord, for her patience and faithfulness. Give her a clear door open and as she waits, show her more of who YOU are. We will give You all the glory, Jesus! Amen!

  10. BIGGEST BLESSING My Bible study I started in Sept. It has open my eyes to the Bible and studying together with many wonderful women.
    CHORE Doing the dishes. In my primary family whoever cooked the meal did not have to clean up but now that my kids are gone, it’s just my Husband and me. We almost have to toss a coin to get the job done.
    30 MINUTES I have to think about that one since I am retired and have lots of ” 30 minutes”…
    I guess relaxing with a good book. Even though I am retired I do keep busy , so reading is kinda like my time.
    GROWING UP Sarah you didn’t fall far from the tree. I remember well my family saying to me “Iris
    please be quiet”.
    PRAYER Please pray for my self improvement. Sounds kinda straight forward does’t it but it has to do (still) with keeping my mouth shut.
    P.S. After reading the other comments you could bundle us all up together when praying for which direction God wants us to go or what He wants us to accomplish. I love Mom

  11. 1. Having a family reunion with my family in TX then Thanksgiving in NC with my hubby’s family.

    2. Mopping. Our entire house is tile…not that we have a big home or anything, just a one bedroom condo, but mopping takes FOR-EH-VER. First you have to move everything out of the way, then sweep, mop, and if I don’t grab a towel to dry it all up, either my sweet Stacy {2yrs old} or hubby {not 2yrs old} will track right through…ok I’m tired just thinking about it, I need a nap…I’ll finish the rest of my comment later…

    • Oh wait, I have a 2yr old, I don’t get a nap…anyway…

      3. So many things I want to do, so I kinda rotate: read, write, or play Zelda {what? A grown woman can’t play video games?}

      4. Ummm…I really didn’t get into trouble, too much of a goodie goodie. But I suppose not cleaning my Kim got me grounded a few…dozen times.

      5. Just writing for the year. I have so many ideas, but not really a focus. My writing is pretty sporadic and willy billy.

  12. My biggest blessing of 2014 was God allowing me to find a job with a company I truly love and a schedule I can live with, in a town I really like!

    Dusting would be my least-favorite chore. It seems like I always miss spots.

    Right now my extra 30-minute slots are filled up browsing for more books in libraries. I love to read!

    My mouth got me in the most trouble as a pre-teen (before I realized I needed to keep it shut!). I could be *very* sarcastic, something that my dad did not appreciate. Still working on this today.

    The man I am currently dating is actually my ex-fiancee. Long story, but I broke up with him because I felt like he did not take my requests seriously. He contacted me in October to talk, and we have focused on building better habits since then. The only problem is I haven’t told my family yet! Prayers for open hearts all around are greatly appreciated, as I will be sharing the news most likely this month.

    • Audra! I applaud you for even attempting to dust! Ha! That’s the one chore that seems to be forgotten in my house. Praying for you… Father God, I lift up my friend Audra. I pray that she will continue to put YOU in the center of all her relationships. Guide and direct her as she moves forward in this refreshed relationship. Give her peace and guidance and wisdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

  13. let me start by saying I LOVE the Becoming series. I appreciate seeing the ‘real’ everyone. Thank you for your heart and willingness to share!
    Biggest blessing: I turned 40 and lived to tell about it! God had me on a crazy journey last year and called me to blog! Which is funny because I don’t write, read blogs and feel completely inadequate. He doesn’t call the equipped though…He equips the called. So on I march on in obedience :) if you want to peek!
    least fav chore: making beds
    30 minutes: eat something sweet while pouring through magazines. delightful.
    trouble: always thought the grass was greener, any side I was on
    prayer: Please pray that I won’t believe the enemy when he knocks on my door and tells me all the things I know aren’t true but want to believe sometimes.
    thank you friend for this fun little adventure!

  14. Biggest blessing – My husband and I paid off the mortgage to our house… 12 years of hard work, but now we’re debt free!!

    Worst Chore: Unloading the dishwasher/cleaning the kitchen. that’s because it is never ever finished. With 4 kids, I do dish after dish after dish. before the last load in the dishwasher is finished there are more to go in.

    Free time: My oldest daughter and I are completely redecorating my house so I like looking for new ideas when I have a few minutes. I also like gardening if its the right season and reading.

    Prayer: I’m not sure if this is too late to get on your list, but I’m trying to get a book published… women’s ministry focused. (The publishing world is not for the faint of heart!) I dont want to give up, but I clearly lack the insight to make it happen. I need direction and clarity about what God would have me to do with the book He definitely inspired .. thanks!

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