Sooner THAN Later

Hi friend! How is life?

I wanted to hop on the blog to check in and leave you with an article that I wrote for I’m super passionate about it. Things are going well around here. I attended The Influence Conference in September and came home all fired up to get a new book project started and find a new publisher. Then a bit of “real life” hit and we decided as a family that it would be GREAT if I started a part time job. I has been great and takes a bunch of stress off of the ol’ bank account. I’ve been substituting for my son’s school. Whew! Tons of adorable elementary kids eager to give hugs and high fives.

It has been an adjustment for sure but I am sitting in the peace and confidence that this is right where I need to be…even if this makes my writing time few and far between. I am making the most of getting out of the house and out from behind my laptop as I am boldly asking God to show me more of His presence. You see now I am outside of my comfortable chair and blanket and laptop and forced to seek Him in the real world. This is a good thing. A very good thing. I’m looking forward to new thoughts and perspectives to share with you in the future.

ibelieve image

Here is a teeny tiny bit of the article I wrote, Confronting Casual Christianity. I would be honored if you would click over to iBelieve and check out the rest of it!

A phrase has taken captive my heart and mind over the last few days, one that we’ve all said probably with out knowing we’ve said it. It is part of our language.

Sooner or later

I’ve caught myself saying this phrase in the past when I’ve contemplated God’s kingdom and my place in it. Sooner or later I will be good enough for God. Sooner or later I will find forgiveness. Sooner or later I will give forgiveness. Sooner or later I will have enough money to donate or time to volunteer.

These are things we tell ourselves will happen when the time is right or when we feel right about it. There’s a sense of passivity of this phrase, sooner or later. When we put off taking our place in God’s kingdom until when we are good enough, have an abundance of money, a surplus of time we make ourselves vulnerable to missing out.


I hope your fall is going well and that you are finding your sweet spot with the Lord!


Sooner THAN Later — 1 Comment

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