Stress Point Week 5: Girlfriend Interview

Good Morning, friends! Is this week’s Stress Point topic: Intense Relationships…well…intense or what?! Hang in there…doing this together, right?! (I know I say that over and over again, but it is true!) You girls are teaching ME so much about faith and I’m learning and growing right there with you.


Meet my friend Amy Carroll. Amy is one of those friends that you smile when she enters the room. Her kind heart just radiates and you KNOW that she LOVES JESUS. Amy is so gracious to get vulnerable for us and share some life lessons she’s learned from heartache after an intense relationship. Click HERE to read a blog post she wrote for a friend that gives us some of her relationship background. Worth the read…go click over!



I asked Amy a few questions. Get ready girls…she shares some GREAT things to file away in your heart.

Amy, you’ve been very open and honest about a past broken romantic relationship. Can you share with us how that painful breakup changed you and brought you closer to Jesus?

On top of being a perfectionist, I led a very shelterd, heart-break-free life up until that point. Although God wired me to be tender-hearted, I still tended to see things as very black and white and with a fairly judgemental eye. I was compassionate to a degree, but I just couldn’t empathize with hurting people. Suffering with my own pain and sense of rejection gave me a new way of looking at the world and the people around me. I approached people’s hurt less with a problem-solving mindset and more with a heart to love them and join them in their place of pain. I started to see how to really live II Cor. 1:3-5, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 5 For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”

I also had never experienced the compassion and comfort of God in such a powerful way in my own life as I did during that time of heart break. You read in my story that I expected His judgement and discipline but received an incredible outpouring of His love. That experience changed the warped way that I looked at God, and I’ll never get over the way He loved me.

This week we are talking about intense romantic relationships. Do you have any advice for those not in a relationship at the moment but desire to one day get married?

I think that the biggest thing I learned from the end of that intense relationship was that love truly is NOT enough. Stick with me. I promise that statement doesn’t come from cynicism. Although I loved my fiance with all my heart, there were some serious red flags that I ignored–never employed, catered to by his mama, a view of God that was very warped, unaddressed family disfunction…and those are some of the small ones. If I shared some of the big ones, I promise that your hair would catch on fire. God may place you with someone who is very different from you, but pay attention to make sure foundational necessities for a good marriage are there.

Make a list of your non-negotiables before you get into an intense relationship so that your heart doesn’t turn a blind eye to signs of disaster. I almost ship-wrecked my life because of my romantic “love overcomes all” attitude. All that may sound harsh, but I really want to encourage you to live happily single rather than settling for a potentially disasterous relationship.

What is one thing you would tell your 20-something self about serious romantic relationships in regards to preparing for the future?

You are the King’s daughter and worthy of a prince. He won’t be perfect (’cause you’re not perfect!), but he must love you and cherish you. Instead of constantly looking around, focus your eyes on Jesus and becoming all that He has for you in the here and now. He is trustworthy and will bring just the right man at just the right time. All the in-between preparation will not only contribute to a happier marriage but also to fulfilling your life calling.


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Stress Point Week 5: Girlfriend Interview — 11 Comments

  1. Amy offered many great tips! I particularly loved the suggestion of making a list of non-negotiables before getting into an intense relationship. We did something similar in the first section of the third journal (page 111). I’m going to take some more time and further develop my list. I don’t want to get caught up in the moment and be blindsided to possible warning signs. Thank you!

  2. Hello there I just need to speak mind out to someone I am In a relationship with fiancé for about of 4 years thing is we started diffidently than normal relationships we have a 2year old and I have been attending church the past 8 months by myself he says he believes in God but doesnt want to attend chur#h hes very complicated I am mostly this reationship and I am afraid to marry him I am constantly asking my.self if hes the rite person for me I am confused about everything and always.depressed I dont know if I should get out of this relationship I just want to.truly.find happiness :-(

  3. Thank you Amy for sharing. I put a red flag up anytime i have encounters with men because of what my father and stepfather did to me.. I really feel that God is going to heal me in this area before I get into any relatiosnhip. I know he can do it cause he is our healer!

    Also when Amy mentioned that “being catered by his mama” what does that mean? I am employed but I still get help finacially by my mom when i need it, I pay my own bills and pay for my own car and everything but when i need help she helps me is that a bad thing?

    I also pray that the Lord would set a fire in my hear to want to know him more, and heal me cause i know that if i was in a realtionship now there would be so many temptations etc.

    • Meg, I’m sorry to hear what happened to you in the past. You’re right, though. God is healing you.

      In regards to “being catered by his mama,” to me that means a grown man that’s capable of doing things for himself, but doesn’t because he goes to his mom to take care of him. For example, doing laundry, making meals, cleaning up messes, etc. In other words, he’s really still a little boy and not a grown man.

  4. Thank you for sharing your heart, Amy!

    “I just don’t know if [you] can be faithful to [me] for the rest of our lives.” My own insecurities would have that statement in the back of my mind.

    Regarding question #2, “love truly is NOT enough”: Amen and Amen! I’m recently finding that to be very true. Not only love, but “things” too. That nice house will not be enough, that new car will not be enough, and I’m speaking from experience when I say that, yep, even those cute pair of shoes you’ve got your eye on will not be enough.

    God is the only One who will ever truly be enough. You can lose it all, everything, but you would still have Him and who you are in Him!

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