What To Do With Mean Girls Pt. 2

After running yesterday’s post about mean people, a friend of mine emailed me asking a great follow up question. I’m wondering if you had the same questions and concerns.

Praying for people who are hurtful is tough. I don’t necessairly like the idea of making my heart vulnerable to praying for them. Because, when we pray something inside us changes and we are almost forced to see that person differently. We can’t come before our pure and glorious King with an ugly heart as we pray for our mean girls.


Here is the question my sweet friend asked:

Sarah, I’m dealing with two mean people in my life. It is almost as if the conspire against me daily. I am devastated and my heart hurts. Being reminded to pray for them and the hurt they are doing to me will help. Maybe you can give me some good thoughts on how to pray and let my feelings go!

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What To Do With Mean Girls

Recently a sweet blog reader of mine sent me an email asking for advice. With her permission I thought I’d share her question and my answer as I am certain that we ALL deal with mean girls. No matter if you are 12 years old or 92 years old, mean girls are just a part of life.


Source: google.com 

Question: Sarah, I’ve got this woman at work who is flat out MEAN. When she is not stabbing me in the back in order to look good in front of our boss, she is spreading lies about me and gossiping. Other people see it to, thank goodness, so I know I’m not imagining just how awful this woman is. She walks into the office and a coldness follows her as she sits at her desk. How am I supposed to work with such a mean person. I can’t very well quit my job…

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Book Giveaway: She’s Got Issues

If you are here from reading my post on She Seeks-welcome! You stopped by on the perfect day. I’m so stoked to introduce you to my friend, Nicole Unice.


Nicole and I have never met in person, but through the wonders of Skype and email, we have become great friends. I think Nicole and I clicked so easily as friends because she is so authentic. I appreciate someone who lays her heart on the line and shares her “issues” so that someone else might be encouraged. This is what you will find in Nicole’s NEW BOOK: She’s Got Issues.

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