One BAD Day

Bad days are just part of life. I usually take them in stride and move on. However, yesterday was ONE BAD DAY that locked me in a pressure cooker about to explode at any minute.   After attempting to work out to alleviate the stress, (a KILLER Jillian Michaels workout, btw) I decided a glass of wine would do the trick. One glass turned into two, which turned into half a bottle by the time I wobbled to bed. You better believe that the cotton mouth and the headache this morning served as a strong reminder that pouring the wine … Continue Reading »»

Soaking in Psalm 13 — Blah faith

Every year about this time I hit a blah season. Whether it is blah faith, blah passion, blah life, this time of year can often be painted in the color vanilla for me. There are a number of reasons I experience the blahs every summer so this year I’m preparing ahead of time to ward off the blah and let the LORD keep the fire of passion in my heart.   One of my most effective ways of keeping blah out of my faith is to push through the feelings of “I just don’t wanna” in regards to studying my … Continue Reading »»