Exodus 17-22; Jealous God

Take a look at the Ten Commandments in chapter 20 of Exodus. I find it so interesting that the first commandment is that we shall have no other gods but our LORD-the one and only God. Why would this be the top of the list of “shall nots?”

I think this is the first and most important because all of the other commandments stem from not worshiping anyone or anything else but the LORD. When we make idols out of people or possessions, we tend to to crazy, stupid and dangerous things.

Each one-stealing, coveting neighbor’s wife, coveting neighbor’s property, murder, taking God’s name in vain, adultery-all of these start because we bow down to something other than God.

The LORD says it Himself, He is a jealous God. He wants our full attention and affection. There is nothing on this earth that is valuable enough to put before or above God. What happens if we do fall into the trap? Well, one thing is that we put a huge cavern between ourselves and the LORD. Now, the LORD will never forsake us, but He does allow space creep in. Then, we find ourselves yearning more and more for the earthly things and not heavenly things of God. It becomes an endless cycle. Nothing will satisfy that craving to fill that void-only God can quench the thirst. You might not even know that your thirsty, but you know you want more. You might skip from one cool gadget, to that cool shop, to that cool fitness craze to that cool fad. Sooner or later, each one of those cool things loses its luster.

Good news, God will always close the gap if we let Him back into our lives. He waits with open arms to take over your life again and fill that void with His love that is so much better than anything at the local shopping mall!

No other gods-period.

LIVE IT OUT! application:
Prayerfully take inventory of things that take your attention away from fully worshiping God. Why do you think you go to them before you go to Him? Do they really satisfy you? Take this matter to the LORD and ask Him to show you how He can fulfill you and be your only God.


Exodus 17-22; Jealous God — 1 Comment

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