Exodus 23-25, God’s dwelling Place

Ok, so I know it was super hard to wade through the previous chapters about the Law that the Lord laid down for Moses and the Israelites. We must remember that we won’t find every single chapter of the Bible directly speaking to us. But, out of obedience, it is so important to read every chapter so that we know the whole context of each book of the Bible.

After God lays down the Law, He instructs Moses to make a dwelling place for Himself. This is called the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle. Chapter 25 goes into detail of the Ark. Now, there is, yet again, alot of symbolism that I don’t even begin to know. But, I was captivated about the notion that God would have a dwelling place among Israel. God’s physical presence would be within the Ark of the Covenant.

Verse 8: And let them make a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.

Chew on that for a moment-God dwelling among them. The LORD of LORDS, KING OF KINGS making His presence known among His chosen people. How can that not excite you?! Later on, once established, they would build that amazing temple where the Lord would dwell. But, this Ark of the Covenant was a portable contraption that Israel would carry as they were wandering in the desert. Now, don’t get me wrong. This is not like they were “putting God in a box” and God was only in this Ark. No, this was a place where God would come and meet with Moses.

So, you might be thinking, this is interesting and all, but what does it have to do with me? Everything! You see, the Lord dwells in you right now if you believe in Christ as Lord and Savior. You don’t have to carry around an ark. His Holy Spirit lives and dwells with you and you are always in His presence. This means that you have access to the King any time, any place with ANY matter you want to discuss with Him. 1 Corinthians 6:10 says that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

Access to the King. Take advantage of that right now. Go to Him with your troubles, hurts, worries, praises, blessings and excitements. He wants to hear it. He welcomes you into His presence ready and willing to show you His majesty and power over all of our circumstances, good and bad.

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