Exodus 23-25, God’s dwelling Place

Ok, so I know it was super hard to wade through the previous chapters about the Law that the Lord laid down for Moses and the Israelites. We must remember that we won’t find every single chapter of the Bible directly speaking to us. But, out of obedience, it is so important to read every chapter so that we know the whole context of each book of the Bible. After God lays down the Law, He instructs Moses to make a dwelling place for Himself. This is called the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle. Chapter 25 goes into … Continue Reading »»

Exodus 17-22; Jealous God

Take a look at the Ten Commandments in chapter 20 of Exodus. I find it so interesting that the first commandment is that we shall have no other gods but our LORD-the one and only God. Why would this be the top of the list of “shall nots?” I think this is the first and most important because all of the other commandments stem from not worshiping anyone or anything else but the LORD. When we make idols out of people or possessions, we tend to to crazy, stupid and dangerous things. Each one-stealing, coveting neighbor’s wife, coveting neighbor’s property, … Continue Reading »»

Exodus 14-16

Take a look again at Exodus chapter 14. I am sure we all heard the Red Sea account year after year in Vacation Bible School. It is easy to skim through the parts we think we already know. But, take time to read it again and observe God’s mighty hand in saving the Israelites. As many times as I have read this passage, I never payed much attention to verses 13-14. The Israelites were doubting God’s motives as the Egyptians were fast approaching. They had a 600 chariot army on one side and the Red Sea on the other. It … Continue Reading »»