Rearranging My Resolutions

I’m really not one to tackle New Year’s resolutions. Not sure if it is a fear of failure or just plain laziness.  But, in the last week several  emails about resolutions and personal goals have peppered my inbox so I guess I will give them a second look.

Though I don’t normally put them on paper, my TYPE A personality doesn’t allow me to move forward in a new year with out at least a twinkle of a few goals in the back of my mind.

~MY goal for 2011 is to have my book published.

~MY goal for 2011 is to minister to women in their twenties — reaching out and letting them know that Christ is King of Kings and LORD of Lords in every single part of their life.

~MY goal for 2011 is to live and serve more humbly in my role as wife and mother.

These goals at face value might seem noble and worthy, but take a look at the emphasis I put at the front end of each goal…MY goal…

As I tracked these goals in my head this morning the LORD struck me with one big edit of the bullet points above coming from the verse in Isaiah 55:8

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.”

Insert Sarah’s paraphrase: Your goals and dreams, Sarah, are not always in line with my goals for you. Line up those resolutions with my plan for you and then we will talk about how to make it happen.

Needless to say, this word from the LORD that so inconveniently interrupted my thought process caused me to stop at the words, “MY goal.”

Lord I submit to you these hopes and dreams and I line them up with Your plan. I know that my only job is to glorify YOU. I take away my agenda and motivations and replace them with humility as I work alongside Your plan and works which were set before time began.  Today, LORD, I step into Your goals instead of my goals.  I join You in Your agenda rather than thinking You will politely step into my faulty, human plan.  Thank you for allowing me to take part in the work YOU do.  So here I rewrite my resolution:

~MY goal for 2011 is to declare YOU as King and LORD to anyone and everyone you put in my path however the method YOU chose for me to do so.

Want some more motivation to prepare for 2011?  My friends and teammates at She Seeks have spoken great words on this topic.  Take a look at the practical ways to look at resolutions as written by Lisa and Nicki’s follow up thoughts on the video blog. She Seeks-Find Truth.


Rearranging My Resolutions — 9 Comments

  1. I hope you have a safe and fun Happy New Years!

    But that sounds just like me. I am often thinking of what I want to do and don’t stop to think of what God wants me to do. This has gotten me to first look upon him for what to do instead of asking myself what I want to do.

  2. Sarah,

    I stumbled upon you blog and saw myself, like looking in a mirror. I found myself asking everyone I came across this New Year “What is your New Year Resolutions for 2011?”. What I failed to realize was I hadn’t asked that of myself. I do have a fear of failure but as I go down this journey with The Lord, my eyes are opened everyday that this is not my path. I merely am walking it with him. He has a bigger (Wonderful) plan for me and I have to “Let Go and Let GOD.” But I have to admit I struggle with this like most Christians. But in that struggle I seek and God brought me to your blog this morning. I have to say thank you for opening my mind and heart and God is using you in amazing ways.

    Happy New Year and God Bless,


  3. The resolution you have made, makes me feel proud of you. As much as we try to control our world the less we let Him take care of us. I love you so much!

  4. I love you so much. Your RESOLUTION is an eye opener. Controling people have a real hard time just, ” letting God do it.” Thanks for always inspiring me to let go.

  5. Sarah,

    Thanks for this miss! I was pondering “MY” Goals and dreams for the new year, as I do every year (although I don’t always neccesarily publish or share them, although I may secretly write them down for my own), and was reminded that its great to have desire, goals, dream. Our God is a BIG GOD and through Him we can accomplish anything. But as you mentioned, our ideas and dreams for ourself are not always God’s plans for us. In the end His plans for us are WAYYYYY better than what we cold have ever hope or imagined for ourselves.

    Thanks for the reminder Sarah! :)
    -Kristen Marie

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