Stress Point Week 2: Girlfriend Interview

During our Stress Point Online Study I will be interviewing my girlfriends who have “been there, done that” and want to share their heart with you!

I am SO STOKED for this blog post and can’t wait for you to watch this interview. Many of you have resonated with the Stress Point: Self Image girlfriend case study of Renee. Well….


Here is RENEE SWOPE sharing about her self image stress points during her 20s!

Ok…it gets even better…



Renee is giving away THREE copies of her book A Confident Heart!

Let’s continue the conversation that Renee started.

How do your emotions effect your self image on any given day? How can you cling to TRUTH and turn your insecurities into God-confidence?

Leave a commet to be entered into the giveaway! I will pick a random winner next Wednesday.


Stress Point Week 2: Girlfriend Interview — 64 Comments

  1. Wow! This interview was great! My emotions can sometimes make me feel unwanted or not as pretty as the next girl, but one thing the Lord gave me to combat these lies is praying through Ephesians 1. If I read, pray and declare this over myself in the morning, no fiery dart or lie of the enemy will prosper.

    *Ephesians 1:3-5 ” 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons(and daughters:)) by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the GOOD PLEASURE OF HIS WILL…”

    No matter what the enemy or other people say nothing can oppose this cement truth!

  2. How do your emotions effect your self image on any given day? How can you cling to TRUTH and turn your insecurities into God-confidence?

    Wow!! What a great interview!!!

    My emotions effect in in the way that it ruins my day or I start crying if someone says even one little thing or even looks at me weird ( especially strangers ) I get down in the dumps .
    I also related to Renee when she said that she was havin a hard time trusting people like “did they really want to hang out with her.

    I still have issues with that most of the time I am thinking do they really want to hang out with me or are they just being nice?

    Here is some truth I use

    Isiah 43
    Heb 13:5
    Psalm 139

    I have to say that it is hard but I am learningto co
    Bat lies with truth!

  3. Wow a wonderful interview about stress and how to apply all the wonderful advice to our lives… looking forward to reading Sarah Martin’s new book…’Stress Point Thriving through The 20’s in A Decade of Drama’……and also looking forward too reading Renee Swope’s new book…’A Confident Heart’……….sounds like two wonderful books…..I have shared on facebook and twitter

    • Both of these books are wonderful! I think they will really help any woman who struggles with insecurity, doubt, and fear!

  4. I struggle with stress, fear, worry, and isolating myself. I have always had a problem with depression, but since losing my son, it has been like one long day (although it’s been 32 mths) of sadness and depression. My self image is that people don’t like me. That there is something wrong with me. I have to keep reminding myself that “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” – that “I am more than a conqueror” – That God loves me unconditionally. Isaiah 43:1 and 43:4 was a blessing to me – HE has called ME – TAMI – by name, and I am PRECIOUS to Him.

    • I am praying for you and your family. I felt a push in my heart to share this with you: it’s an organization called Parker’s Place. I worked as a camp counselor last summer at Lutherhaven and was able to see God work through families at this camp in incredible ways. Although it is going on this week, maybe you can find encouragement from these families. I’m telling you, they are absolutely incredible people. Their strength encouraged my faith so much. I have no idea what you are going through, but I’m praying for you nonetheless.

    • Tami, I am so so so sorry to hear about your son. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart. I love what you said, yes! You ARE precious to Jesus!

  5. Emotions are closely related to self- image , I think the more we let our emotions speak the more we will feel bad about ourselves. I think we should remember God is our Creator in those moments, even though it can be hard to do sometimes…

  6. I can completely relate to everything you say in the video. I am fast approaching 40 and I still feel like an insecure 14 yo. I am successful in my career and marriage but I don’t have a lot of friends, mostly just acquaintances. I have trouble connecting with people on a deeper level and I struggle to fit in where ever I am. I have to really push myself to socialize with others. I feel so worthless, like I have nothing to offer. I can’t see why someone would want to be friends with me. I must have some sort of Warning or Danger written on my face, Do Not Approach. I try to be aware of my body language, I try to initiate conversation and I really make an effort to put myself out there so when it goes unnoticed or I don’t get the reaction from others that I had hoped for it’s like a blow to my self esteem and I walk away feeling unworthy of someone’s attention. Hearing you talk about similar feelings makes me feel better. I will continue to strive to be the person I want to be and I will continue to pursue friendships with God’s help and guidance. Thank you for sharing your insight.

    • I know how you feel, kmb. I also struggle fitting in and have to constantly push myself to socialize. It’s like you said, “continue to pursue friendships with God’s help and guidance.”

      • Yes I like what you said kmb. I do have to constantly remind myself too to pursue friendships with Gods help and Guidance.

  7. First let me say, thank you Sarah for providing such a great interview!!! Very uplifting!

    ~How do your emotions effect your self image on any given day? How can you cling to TRUTH and turn your insecurities into God-confidence?

    I think that my emotions effect my self image daily. If I wake up and I’m just not having a good day, I get down on myself and the way I look. I start finding things wrong with my body and things that I need to change, or that I am not successful. But the opposite is true as well! Some days are just great days, and I feel confident all day long. On these days I have a great self image and nothing can get me down.

  8. I thought I posted a comment already but it must not have gone through. I hope I can remember what I had said.

    Thank you Renee for such a wonderful message! I can relate to everything you said in that video. And thank you to Sarah for leading this wonderful study.

    I feel unworthy almost everyday. I think my insecurities go back to my mother. She was addicted to pain medication for many years and would not get the help she needed. I thought because she would not do it for that I was not good enough. I know that that is not true. But back in my teens through about 21 I did not understand.

    My emotions are closely linked to my self-image. If I am having a bad day, then I get down on myself a lot. Today would be one of those days. I have a lot to learn and a long way to go. But with books like what Sarah and Renee wrote and the help of God, I know I can gain confidence and get rid of my doubt and fear. I know it will take time and work. And a lot of patience. I do not have a lot of patience so that is another item on my list of things to work on and pray about.

    I actually have a copy of this book already and I am in her study right now. It is an awesome book! I would still like to enter to win so that I could pass this on. I would give this book to my wonderful sister who I know would gain so very much from this book!

    Thank you ladies and God bless!

    • Thank you for sharing, Kristen. I am so so so glad that God is speaking to you and telling you that you ARE worthy!!

    • Thank you both! Sometimes I still do not think I am. But one day at a time with His help I will get to a place where I feel the way I know I should! This study is awesome and I am so thankful for it! :-)

  9. I love how you made the connection between our self image and our relationships. A twisted self image, one that is not founded in the love of Christ, can wreck havoc on our relationships. Thank you for sharing that beautiful testimony, Renee. I love those verses in Isaiah!

  10. When I think about my weaknesses or what is not right with me in my eyes I staret to think dabout what others thik of me. I let my insecurities get the best of me. I need to keep my confidence in the Lord. He made me therefore I am BEAUTIFUL. He made me shy and quite but once you get to know me I am funny and outgoing. I will continue to praise him and glorify him. I don’t need to impress anyone except God. I will continue to pray, read his word and worship Him in the way I live my Life.

  11. How do you emotions effect your self image on any given day? How can you cling to truth and turn your insecurities into God confidence?

    Honestly my self image is so unhealthy that my emotions do not really effect it, neither are all that good to begin with. When I am truly feeling happiness or joy my self image, maybe just for a second, is in a good place. My self image however effects my emotions, as many of you have talked about. Because I think so poorly of myself my emotions are not in the right place and it effects everything that I do. Depression, anxiety, and self injury have all been a part of my life the past six or so years. It’s just my normal to be dealing with these things. I have entered into intense therapy and am making progress while knowing satan isn’t happy about it and is going to be working harder inside of me.

    I am beginning to dig down deep and figure out where in the world this stuff is coming from. I am finally beginning to hear God speak only because I am starting to recognize the lies. I think that is the first step. I have been trying to find different verses to prove that what God thinks of me is most often the opposite of what I am thinking about myself. I am then able to turn these insecurities and doubts into God inspired confidence… Now my brain and my heart don’t always agree. I can get my brain thinking I am precious in His sight but not really feel it. I am working through many walls in between my heart and my brain, many fears, insecurities and feelings of shame. I do believe I am getting somewhere now, I just had to start.

    “God is meeting me here and changing me by His truth.” I loved that from the interview. I am beginning to think that that might actually be true!

    I haven’t been posting or chatting much because this topic makes me feel totally and completely vulnerable in a way that is really uncomfortable. Talking to strangers about some of the deepest stuff inside of me is pretty intense. You all have a lot of courage and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have all made me feel a little less alone.

    • Amy, girl! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart. You certianly are not alone in how you feel. I am so so so glad that God is breaking down the walls around your sweet heart. Keep letting Him break away the walls and pour in His awesome love. Hugs!

  12. That was an excellent interview! I’m so happy to be included in this study! Thank you to everyone!

    For the majority of my life, I faced many of the same issues Rene described. For example, not feeling valuable enough and questioning in my mind if my friends really wanted to hang out with me. She mentioned how it was a process and journey to find confidence and security in God. I also found that to be true for myself. It took years to acknowledge that I’m valued in the eyes of the Lord. I finally recognized it’s not productive to tear myself apart. I was not being grateful for being blessed with the beauty of life. Through prayer and changing my perspective, I’m able to have more confidence. Months ago, my aunt sent me an encouraging card and bookmark, which reads, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 On those days when I allow my emotions to effect my self image, I cling to that message.

  13. I have liked Joyce Meyer on Facebook so everyday her quotes show up in my new feed. There is one from the other day I wanted to share with you guys. “The devil doesn’t want you to break through because he knows if you do, you will become a world changer.” I thought this was awesome! I plan to write it on some notes cards and post it places to keep myself motivated!

  14. Hi Ladies- I am 40 something- and I’m here just to say- how I wish I knew what I am learning now- I am reading Renee Swope’s “A Confident Heart” and doing her online bible study- It is so encouraging to share with women from all over the world how to overcome our self doubt, and to get GOD-fidence back- learning to draw close to Him and focusing on God’s promises. Renee is so blessed to deeply share some very personal upsets in her life-it’s good to know we are not alone, it’s also touching how she tenderly teaches us how God loves us even though we seem weak, beaten down, ugly and used. Thank you Sarah for having Renee as your guest today-and Good Luck & God Bless your future-you are so kind to reach out to these young ladies-God Bless you all!

    one of my favorite verses:
    I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wondeerfully made. Psalm 139:14

    Each person is a unique expression of God’s loving design

    Aloha from Hawaii

  15. Oh how I wish I could have been here today (Thurs) hanging out and chatting. I had a really full day at work and with my kiddos so I am just now hopping on to say hi Thursday night. I am so blessed and encouraged by how God has created this community of heart connecting, sharing, encouraging and praying for each other. As I read your thoughts I prayed for Jesus to weave His promises into the fabric of your emotions and begin to take away those negative patterns as He replaces them with His words of affirmation, acceptance and love.

    You truly are precious and honored in His sight – we all are. Now let’s live like His opinion is the only One that really really matters when it all comes down to it. I’m praying for you as you walk through Stress Point together. Loved being able to share my heart and speak into your lives this week.

  16. Sarah
    I went to the bookstore tonight and got the voice bible. I wanted something to use along with the bible i have to help me learn and understand things better! I am looking forward to using it! God bless

    • Kristin,

      Was it expenive? I went online a few weeks ago and they were between 30 and 40 dollars is that what you paid?

      • I bought mine at the barnes and noble store. I had a coupon for 20% off plus I get 10% off for having a membership card (i buy all my books from there and the card saves money plus I get free express shipping). Go to They have it for around 24.00 if you order it online. That would not include shipping but it might be better than some of the other places.

        I read a little bit of this version last night and I have to say I really enjoyed it! I would recommend taking a look at it and using it as a guide if you have another bible. It is just like reading a storybook. It is easy to follow and understand!

        I hope this helps! :-)

  17. I finally had time to watch the video blog , amazing great thoughts! Thank you Renée and Sarah for sharing your experiences with all of us!:)

  18. This is just a side note that I actually meant to post about yesterday but I’m sure most of you know the song “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns. After I read this chapter on self image all I could think about was that song, replaying over and over in my head. So yesterday at work I replayed it over and over! The strangest part was when I woke up this morning. Guess what song was playing on my alarm clock? Who Am I. Funny how God works in those small ways.

    • Helen. Thank you for sharing. I’m going to see if I can find a video for this song on Youtube and post it this weekend. Awesome!

    • Love this song. Another that has been helping me these days is Remind Me Who I Am by Jason Gray. I definitely encourage you to check it out!

  19. I just stumbled across this blog and I have to say that I am glad that God led me to it as I have struggled with many of the issues Renee mentions in her interview. I have always struggled with my self image and confidence but over the past two years I have really had a hard time with it. I have always been super shy and am not someone who makes friends easily because of it. I have always felt overshadowed by my older sister who is much more outspoken and easy-going and over the years, seeing my own friends choose her over me has really made an impact. As Renee put it so perfectly, I always feel that I have nothing special to bring to the table; that there is nothing about me that stands out and, because of that, I am always doubting whether or not people will like me. I am completely dumbfounded when people make comments like “you’re so cool!” or “we need to hang out more!” because I always feel so dull and boring. Since entering college I have had the hardest time making friends. Whenever an opportunity arises I get so afraid that they will not like me or that they will think I’m trying too hard, so I usually let the opportunity pass me by. But I know that God is working to surround me with the right people and this is where my patience comes in. Sometimes it really feels like there is nothing that God can use me for, but in my heart I know that he doesn’t create “duds,” and that is really what keeps me strong. I know that someday I will see why God made me so soft-spoken and why he gave me each quality I possess, and in the meantime knowing that He values me and loves me so dearly is enough. Knowing that God made me with a purpose in his mind that only I could fulfill is what gives me a reason to stand tall during my times of insecurity.

    • Sarah! So glad that you found us. (I love your name, BTW ;))

      Please know that you are not alone in what you shared. I, too, have felt the same way at times. But, I love what you declared about yourself: God does not create “duds” and that your special, unique personality traits are so valuable. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart. Hugs!

  20. When I was 10 my mom was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I was young and thought cancer equated to death. I was freaked out, as any 10 year old would. I had huge seperation anxiety because of this. I felt that everytime I would leave home something would happen to my mom. It really prevented me from having some great opportunities when I was young. I remember missing a work and witness trip because i just felt strapped to home. As I grew up and I grew “out” of my anxiety my mom would always send me card to basketball camp or to church camp that reminded me, in her words, to Philipians 4:8-it!
    “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
    When I started to become super emotional about wherever I was or how far away I was from her, this reminder was so important. That voice of doubt is just that, DOUBT. God’s word is love. It is a reminder that He is with us wherever we go. He passes through the water with us. I am reminded and humbled at this moment as God has just whispered and said, “See, Shari, I brought you through your struggles with your mom’s sickness and your anxiety. Look around where you are now! Look at this land of milk and honey I have led you to!” If He, our Majestic King, can lead me through this facing my mom’s cancer, how much more can He do for me! His promise is to give us a home and future!! I love Renee’s scripture reference to Isaiah 43:1-5,
    “But now, this is what the Lord says—
    he who created you, O Jacob,
    he who formed you, O Israel:
    “Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
    I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
    2 When you pass through the waters,
    I will be with you;
    and when you pass through the rivers,
    they will not sweep over you.
    When you walk through the fire,
    you will not be burned;
    the flames will not set you ablaze.
    3 For I am the Lord, your God,
    the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
    I give Egypt for your ransom,
    Cush[a] and Seba in your stead.
    4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
    and because I love you,
    I will give men in exchange for you,
    and people in exchange for your life.
    5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
    I will bring your children from the east
    and gather you from the west.”

  21. Loved this discussion. I got back from my mission trip to Costa Rica at 2am on Independence Day (flight delays made it interesting!) and am working my way through the posts I’ve missed. One of the things that struck me while on the mission trip was how I almost didn’t recognize myself in the mirror. Cold showers, very little water pressure, and no mousse made my hair go haywire and it was interesting seeing how different I appeared to myself. I almost began to wonder if I would ever recognize myself again. :)

    Once I was home and took a nice (long ::smile::) hot shower, I felt more like “me.” All that’s to say that God did a work in my heart while I was on that mission trip that I could never have anticipated–in addition to allowing me to witness so many amazing things and be a part of a wonderful team–He also talked to me about how I’m beautiful in His eyes even when I’m a different-kind-of-beautiful in my own. :)

  22. Hello I am not able to see the video but I can kind of relate to what it says by the comment above. I grew up hearing from my own mum that I was ugly and I was treated so differently from my siblings. I am also slim shaped in nature and coming from Africa (Nigeria to be precise) where people feel the ‘fleshier’ the better you can only imagine how I felt growing up. But all those are passed now,I don’t remember how that feel anymore (cos I really don’t want to) all I know is that I see myself as beautiful (even my mum have to say so herself) maybe cos of the way I carry myself and I don’t care what anyone thinks. I am loved by God,beautiful,intelligent and spirit filled that’s all I need to get going everyday. I am still a work in progress,but I know it can only get better. Wish I could your books, but I hope I get to read it somehow,someday. God bless us all.

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