Stress Point Week 3: Girlfriend Interview

Well, what do you think about week 3 so far? If you read my Facebook post about our body image topic I promised that it wouldn’t be an easy week but that we would do it TOGETHER.

**I’d love to hear from you so be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts on how you are growing and taking this stress point to the throne of your King, Your Creator.

I’m thrilled to introduce you to my friend and fitness guru, Michelle Myers. Michelle is one cool chick who is super knowledgeable about all things health and exercise. But, most importantly, Michelle loves Jesus. She generously took some time to answer some questions I had for her and I’m excited for you to hear what Michelle has to say…


~Whenever I am living a healthy life style and working out regularly, regardless of what the scale says, I still feel good about my body. Why do you think healthy eating and exercise effects our body image in such a positive way?

Michelle: Because we gain confidence not only in the way our body looks, but what our body can do! Personally, I have way more satisfaction knowing that I can do 50 push-ups without stopping or that I’ve completed a full marathon than I ever do with seeing a number on a scale.

I always encourage people to set performance goals for their workouts instead of pounds they want to lose. Goals are great…but they don’t produce results. Activity produces results.

For example, if you haven’t worked out in a while, don’t say, “I’d like to lose 10 lbs in 5 weeks.” Say, “I’m going to work out 5 times this week and eat clean.”

If you make your workout about becoming an athlete, I have no doubt you’ll start to look like one!

~So many of us are too busy to eat a good breakfast, which is important for our all around health and energy level for the day. Do you have any suggestions for easy, healthy breakfast foods?

Michelle: Simply make sure you get a balance of nutrients in the morning. Your body needs complex carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fat. Other great power breakfasts are whole wheat toast with natural almond butter, steel cut oats with flaxseeds and a scoop of protein powder, or 2 scrambled eggs and salsa in a whole wheat wrap.

Hydration is a huge part of starting your morning right. For coffee drinkers, make sure you are guzzling water at the same time. Coffee dehydrates your body, which could send you mixed hunger signals. In fact, if you eat breakfast and drink coffee but find yourself “hungry” after just a few hours, it might be your body telling you that you are thirsty…which water is the only thing that will TRULY satisfy your thirst.

Oh, and just stay away from juice. In the words of my son’s pediatrician, “Juice is the nutritional equivalent of soda.” Just because it’s based with fruit, that doesn’t make it healthy. Juice has a ton of added sugar.

~How do you suggest that women maintain a balance of viewing their body in a positive manner with out going overboard and obsessing over how they look?

Michelle: First of all, remember that when you insult your appearance, you are insulting your Creator. God crafted you in such a special way. Don’t belittle His handiwork.

Second, check your motivation. There’s no reason to be ashamed of taking care of our bodies – they are God’s temple. If you want to be in shape to bring God glory, to look hot for your husband or to be healthy and live a long life, rock on, girlfriend. That’s what it’s all about.

BUT if you are obsessing over your appearance because you’re going to a party with your fiancé and his ex-girlfriend will be there…there’s a problem. That type of motivation is rooted in jealousy and vengeance.

It might sound silly, but PRAY about it. God allows us to come to Him with all things…big and small. Praying for a healthy mindset about my body is a part of my daily prayers. I assure you…when you give things over to God, He takes care of it better than you ever could.


Thank you, Michelle for sharing your wisdom. If you’ve read through Stress Point Chapter 3 already you will recognize Michelle as I’ve already tapped into her wisdom in the book! Love this girl!

Don’t miss Michelle’s story of anorexia and redemption as chronicled in her book, “The Look That Kills.”

Michelle is giving away a copy here on LIVE IT OUT! blog. Here’s how you can win:

Share ONE way you will start living more healthy TODAY. It can be something as simple as drinking more water or eating more fruits and veggies. Leave a comment to be entered into the random drawing. I will announce a winner NEXT WEDNESDAY.




Stress Point Week 3: Girlfriend Interview — 50 Comments

  1. Thank you for sharing such great information! I have been drinking way more water than I used too. I am also cutting back on pop as well. I have started to eat more fruits. Next is to start eating more veggies and to exercise at least three times a week to start! I know i need to take better care of myself. i am just taking it one day at a time, one step at a time. I am also learning not to be to hard on myself when i mess up. I am praying God will help me to do this and that He will help each of you!

    • Learning not to be so hard on myself is a day by day thing…I know this because I’ve had to learn the hard way. :)

      • I agree! I am taking it day by day and making small changes rather than trying to change everything at once. I think that may be why I failed the times before. But I am also learning to love myself along the way because if I do not do that first, no amount of weight loss will help! Thank you for this chapter! And thank you to your friend for sharing her tips. My biggest issue right now is exercising. I do not like it and I need to find some ways that I will enjoy it. I know I will need to start off a little at a time because I have not worked out in a long time. But I know with His help and your encouragement I can do it! :-)

          • I would love one of those! However I do not really have any friends around that I could work out with. I will pray that God will bring a friend and work out buddy into my life!

          • Krisitn, If we lived near each other I would so be your workout buddy!

          • thank you for the encouragement. I am learning that I need to change the way that I talk to myself as well. My negative self talk about my body, looks, apprerence, personality, etc is not helping at all. I have two books I have that I think will help me (along with this study): How to succeed at being yourself and Power thoughts both by Joyce Meyer. I need to work from the inside out and learn to love who I am and figure out who I am in Christ. Thank you for all of your help and encouragement! You are awesome!

  2. Giving up soda and drinking water instead is something I have been working on… However I found a new love of coffee. Because of this post I am going to make sure I drink coffee and water in the morning before I head out!

  3. That was an awesome interview! I love Michelle’s view that “activity produces results.” So true! Great ideas on eating a healthy breakfast. In regards to water, I’ve heard that drinking a full glass of water first thing in the morning is very healthy, as it flushes out your kidneys and helps start your day with energy.

    One way I’ll start living more healthy is by cutting back on my sugar intake. I love to bake, so I’m totally going to try my goodies, but I’d like going a day or two each week without refined sugar. I think that’s manageable and won’t compromise my hobby.

  4. Thank you Michelle for sharing!

    Ouch! This really hit home with me. I have been eating more, fruits and vegtables and drinking more water so praise God! My friend has been holding me accountable for awile. It is still hard though. I heard that it takes 3 weeks to form a habit. Since i wasnt pushed to eat fruits and vegtables and drink water when i was little its hard for me now. But I am getting better so I praise God for that.

    I agree with Michelle when she says that If you make your workout about becoming an athlete, I have no doubt you’ll start to look like one! Over the past year or so I have been running (not so much lately) but I have been more focused on exercising than what the scale says and I can tell becasue I look (especailly my legs) like an athlete. My stomach could use some work though!

    I have decided today that I am going to start running again I have been walking alot which isnt bad for you But I LOVE TO RUN! So here i go!

  5. **I’d love to hear from you so be sure to leave a comment with your thoughts on how you are growing and taking this stress point to the throne of your King, Your Creator.

    In regars to this question.. I have had a great week so far not degreading myself and just be me! Not caring what anyone else thinks! Thank you Jesus for your help!

  6. I totally agree, a lot of people set goals that are unrealistic and they fall right back in an unhealthy lifestyle. Confidence I feel is very important especially for young women our age. We want to find our niche and fit in. Yes eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I wake up early to go to work so I just grab a coffee, but later on in the day I try and make up for my hunger by eating a complete breakfast which is around 9am. I do not want my glucose stores to be used from the wrong places in my body. I think I have a fear of getting diabetes so I try to not skip any meals and eat snacks in between.

    I eat slowly and in portions, which I know drives my family and friends nuts. When I am full I stop and I also drink plenty of water especially in the summer heat. I am not a juice drinker but it is true juice is similar to soda with all that added preservatives and sugar. If i need something sweet I make myself a fresh lemonade or add a crystal light packet to a bottle of water.

  7. I loved this post, Michelle. “When you insult your appearance, you are insulting your Creator.” A way I am going to live more healthy today is by speaking words of encouragement over myself. Instead of beating myself up for talking walk breaks during my morning run, I am going to CELEBRATE the fact that I even went out there! Our emotional and physical health go hand-in-hand. We’ve gotta take care of both.

  8. I eat a lot of junk food…so my way of starting a healthy diet will be avoiding all these junk food and alternate it with healthy food…very useful information by michelle…i am really obsessed with chocolates and should get rid of it…so as michelle said, i am going to pray and get the help of the holy spirit to start a healthy diet…

    • I too eat a lot of junk food. I have gotten better in the last few weeks. I also love my chocolate. I think that chocolate is okay as long as it is in moderation. I am slowly back down how often I eat my chocolate. Try doing little steps at a time rather than all at once. It seems easier for me that way. I will pray for you as well as myself to start the healthy eating.

    • Ranjitha, I love chocolate too! But a little chocolate every now and then is always a fun treat. Start small, like Kristen said. Otherwise your healthy eating habits won’t stick.:)

      • Yes, chocolate every now and then is totally okay! Dark chocolate is actually healthy for you – it’s an antioxidant and lowers blood pressure.

  9. My big issue is not working out, I have had kidney issues for the lst few years and this past May I started going to a natural doctor who goes to my church. I have been put on vitamins and a very strict diet. I also only drink water and nothing else. I have been feeling a 100 times better, but I really need to get back into exercising. For me to feel completely better and healthy I need to start doing this .I want to focus more on healthy goals just as how often that I am going to work out instead of getting on the scale all the time. Since starting this weeks bible study I have stopped weighing myself. I pray God will put a fire under me to start exercising.

    • I’m with you, Jodi. Water does make you feel good. I pretty much only drink water…pretty much. Get moving girl, find something you like to do. Like a fun workout video or swimming. Things like the treadmill (which are good things) don’t have to be your only work out method. :) Hugs!

  10. I will start off by saying that I HATE to exercise, but love to be slim! So much, actually, that I battled anorexia for several years in my late teens and early twenties. Fast-forward to today, and I realize that I can be slim AND healthy without starvation…starting with a healthy meal and a workout on the Gazelle! :)

    • I too do not like to exercise. Maybe we can all be a source of encouragement for each other even after this week! I know I could use it! We could share recipies we have tried or works out we like. What does everyone think?

        • That sounds great! I was going to suggest Facebook as a way to communicate. We cab post ideas thoughts suggestions whatever is on our heart that day. And if we are struggling with anything that is where we can to for support! We can also post any books or articles we find that are helpful! I think this is a great way to keep the encouragement going for everyone even after we have moved on to a different topic…sound good?

    • Hey! Yes! Meg totally hooked us up with some great Bible verse options (she is my assistant in this category as this was her GREAT idea!) I will add that to my post for tomorrow.

  11. Hey y’all – just now joining you! Michelle shares some great stuff!

    Honestly, I don’t even own a scale! Other than choosing healthier eating habits, I am going to start walking/running more. I walk at a community spot which is a great way to meet others from my community and I’m going to start setting goals for myself: maybe I’ll do 2 laps this week (it’s a pretty big place!) and maybe 3 laps next week?!

  12. One of my biggest problems health wise is not drinking enough so I’ll definitely start drinking more water!:)

  13. Love this interview! :) Well, I could say I’ll be drinking more water but that will be happening anyway because I love water and didn’t get quite enough of it while in Costa Rica last week. :) So I think I’ll make it a goal to take advantage of some salads. Great goals, everyone!

  14. I loved reading Michelle’s interview! She had such amazing tips and just overall made me feel better about working out and it being okay to feel good about myself! I tend to get in a habit of going to the gym consistently for a few weeks and then find a reason to stop completely. No more of that! My healthy goal is to continue on my “gym streak” and finish the C25K running program this summer.

  15. My goal for the next few weeks is just actually going to the gym. I often skip out because I am “too tired” from work. I am going to make it a goal to go at least 3 times a week.

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